Display of speed
n1% , n2% , n3%
Current pump speed
Display range: 30 ... 100 %
20 ... 100 % if ADAP is adjusted
Indicates the current speed of the corresponding pump.
Operating hours counter
h R (1, 2, 3, 4)
Operating hours counter
The operating hours counter accumulates the solar
operating hours of the relay (h R1 / h R2 / h R3 / h R4).
Full hours are displayed.
The accumulated operating hours value can be set
back to 0. As soon as one operating hours channel is
selected, the symbol
is displayed.
In order to access the RESET mode of the coun-
ter, press the set button
symbol fl ashes and the security enquiry ap-
Confi rm the security enquiry by selecting “Yes”
Confi rm the reset with the set button
in or-
der to fi nish the reset.
In order to interrupt the RESET process, do not press
any button for about 5 s. The display returns to the
display mode.
Display of heat quantity
Heat quantity in kWh / MWh
Indicates the heat quantity produced in the system.
For this purpose, the energy metering option has to
be activated.
The fl ow rate as well as the values of the reference
sensors S1 (fl ow) and S4 (return) are used for calcu-
lating the heat quantity supplied. It is shown in kWh in
the channel kWh and in MWh in the channel MWh.
The overall heat quantity results from the sum of both
The accumulated heat quantity value can be set back
to 0. As soon as one of the display channels of the
heat quantity is selected, the
symbol is displayed.
In order to access the RESET mode of the coun-
ter, press the set button
symbol fl ashes and the security enquiry ap-
Confi rm the security enquiry by selecting “Yes”
Confi rm the reset with the set button in order
to fi nish the reset.
In order to interrupt the RESET process, no button
should be pressed for about 5 s. The display returns
to the display mode.
Display of monitoring period
Countdown of the monitoring period
Display range:
0 ... 30:0 ... 24 (dd:hh)
If the thermal disinfection option (OTDIS) is acti-
vated and the monitoring period is in progress, the
remaining time of the monitoring period is displayed
as CDIS (in hours and minutes), counting backwards.
Display of starting time
Starting time
Display range:
0:00 ... 24:00 (o'clock)
If the thermal disinfection option (OTDIS) is activat-
ed and starting delay time has been adjusted, the ad-
justed delay time is displayed (fl ashing) in this channel.
Summary of Contents for SCU345
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