After you take a puff, the green light will turn to yellow automatically after 10 seconds,
which means that the VIE is i
n “Session Mode.”
When the power indication light turns from green to yellow, the VIE is in 60 seconds
of Session Mode. During these 60 seconds, the VIE will retain the preset temperature
level. While the power indication light is yellow, press the power button once and
wait 1-2 seconds until the VIE vibrates (the power indication light turns green), then
you (or your buddy) can take a puff.
As opposed to continuing to heat your product in the chamber, the VIE enters
standby mode after 60 seconds. In standby mode, the power indication light will be
steady at your chosen heating mode color (see below for heating mode information).
Your VIE will require a quick tap of the power indication button to return to the preset
temperature. Standby mode lasts for two minutes, at which point the VIE will
automatically shut down.