An installation template is provided to assist in the installation of the mullion camera. (70V0850)
Note: Mullion depth must be a minimum of 1.75” so the unit can operate without interference.
Locate a spot at 5 1/2 feet AFF (above finished floor). Attach the enclosed template (70V0850) to
the mullion with the center of the cutout at this spot.
Using a #36 drill (0.11”), drill the two mounting holes (if needed) and the two faceplate holes for
the camera.
Using a Dremel tool cut-out the center of the template.
Using a rat-tail file de-burr and touch up the edges of the rectangular hole. Run the power and
video cables down the inside of the mullion.
If using a 24VAC to 5VDC connector (60BIP5), make sure all electrical connections are protected
from shorting to the metal frame of the door.
(It is recommended that the conversion from 24VAC to 5VDC be done outside of the mullion
Attach the cables to the camera.
Note: Cables for the 20K152-F are routed out of the bottom of the camera.
Cables for the 20K142-F are routed out of the top of the camera.
Carefully, insert the camera into the mullion.
Using the 2 mount holes, fasten the
camera to the mullion.
Power up the camera and check the image.
Use the adjustment lever on the rear of the
camera to shift the field of view right or
left as needed.
Once field of view is acceptable, mount the
camera and attach cover plate.
20K142-F shown
Doc # INS-20K1X2-F
Issue Date: 03/17/2011
Revision: A
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