3.6. IP Configuration
Almost no installations will need the IP address configuration to be inserted manually as most systems support automatic IP
configuration (DHCP) - and that is also the CCGX default setting. If you do need to configure the address manually, select the
following template:
Complete details of IP requirements, as well as used port numbers will be found in the
VRM FAQ - ports and connections used by
3.7. Connecting both Ethernet and Wi-Fi (failover)
It is possible to connect the CCGX to both Ethernet and Wi-Fi. In this case, the CCGX will try to determine which interface
provides an active internet connection and then use that interface. When both have an active internet connection, the Ethernet
connection is used. The CCGX will automatically check again for active internet connections when something changes on the
3.8. Minimize internet traffic
In situations where internet traffic is expensive, for example a satellite uplink or with roaming GSM/cellular charges, you may want
to minimize the internet traffic. The steps to take are:
• Disable auto-update
• Do not enable remote support
• Reduce the Logging interval to a very low frequency. Note that state changes (charging → inverting, or bulk→float) and also
alarms will cause extra messages to be sent
To find out how much data allowance you need to buy the best way is to let the system run for a couple of days and monitor the
internet RX and TX counters in your 3G or 4G router. Or even better, some mobile companies will report the data used via a
The amount of data used is also very dependent on the system:
More products connected to the CCGX will generate more data.
• A state change (from inverter to charger for example) will trigger a data transmission, so a system with very frequent state
changes will also tend to generate more data. This is especially true in certain Hub-1 and Hub-2 systems.
Note that CCGX versions prior to v1.18 will check for software updates daily even when auto-update is switched off. This was
changed in v1.18. Disabling auto-update also disables the check - saving a lot of data.
We recommend setting-up your data plan in such a way as to avoid costly 'excess' charges. Make sure you put a cap on your
data usage; or use a pre-paid plan.
One customer - burdened with global costs of between twenty cents and several euros per mb of data - invented a clever
solution: Using a VPN he modified the IP to route ALL traffic to and from the GX device via his VPN. Using a firewall at the VPN
Color Control GX Manual
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Internet connectivity