Blast C
Chill/Storage R
Undercounter Blast Chiller
The Victory Blast Chiller is designed to
reduce the temperature of 2" thick,
uncovered food from 160°F to 38°F in
approximately 90 minutes.
The cabinet front, sides, door and work
surface are constructed of heavy gauge
polished stainless steel to maintain an
attractive appearance after years of heavy
use. Three inches of environmentally
friendly ODP Zero Polyurethane foam
injected insulation throughout the cabinet
ensures the ultimate in energy efficiency.
The self-closing door is securely mounted
on a hinge, which has a lifetime guarantee.
The door has an easy-to-replace magnetic
balloon gasket to prevent the cold air form
escaping. Door heater is standard to
prevent condensation from forming on the
cabinet front.
The interior door liner is constructed of
heavy gauge stainless steel.
Control Panel
Unique E-Z Blast™ 1-2-3 microprocessor
control panel initiates blast cycles in three
simple steps. The controller supports a la
carte style blast chilling. Model features
built-in alarms and can control the chilling
process with the temperature probe or
digital timer. The digital timer can be
programmed with two preset chilling times
for specific food products.
The cabinet automatically defrosts and
reverts to a +38°F storage mode after the
blast chill cycle.
The optional HACCP Data Logger System
allows you to record, store and print activity
data for up to 7 days in accordance with
HACCP guidelines. System includes onboard
thermal printer.
An optional HACCP monitoring program is
also available. This NAFEM Data Protocol
compliant documentation software transfers
data between the kitchen and a remote
Windows® compatible computer system.
Standard Features
• Two Operational Functions:
- Blast Chill Processing Refrigerator
- +38°F Storage Refrigerator
• E-Z Blast™ Microprocessor Control Panel:
- Blast Chill Cycle Controlled Automatically by
Either a Food Probe or Digital Timer
- Two (2) Preset Chilling Times: 90, 240 Minutes
- Cabinet Temperature Digital Display
- Food Temperature Digital Display
- Defrost Mode Indicator
- On/Off, Blast Chill Cycle and Cancel Buttons
- Power Failure Alarm
- Soft Chill and Hard Chill Options
- Diagnostic Trouble hooting Capability
• Front Breathing Design
• Stainless Steel Top, Front, Sides, Door
Interior and Work Surface
• Flush Mounted Doors, Anti-Condensation
Heaters and Removable Magnetic Door
• Five (5) Pairs Adjustable Pan Slides for
12” x 20” Pans
• Complies with FDA, NSF 7 and HACCP
• Heavy Duty Swivel Casters with Brakes on Front
• No Drain Required
• Large Surface Area Evaporator and High
Velocity Fan
• Defrost on Demand and Automatic Defrost
• One Heavy Duty Food Probe with Digital
Temperature Indicator
• Environmentally Friendly R-134a Refrigerant
• 3”of Environmentally Friendly ODP Zero
Polyurethane Foam Injected Insulation
Optional Features and Accessories
• HACCP Data Logger System (With Thermal
• HACCP Monitoring Program
• Factory Installed Reverse Door Hinging
• 4” or 6” Legs in Place of Standard Casters
• 6” Casters
Stainless steel
exterior and
Victory Refrigeration, Inc. I 110 Woodcrest Road I Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 USA I Phone: 856.428.4200 I Fax: 856.428.7299 I E-mail: [email protected]
Victory Refrigeration specification sheets
are available online at
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