The dehydrator gives the user full control over the temperature in a
range of 30-80 degrees C (86-248 degrees F) as well as how long the unit
will run using its integral digital timer. Use lower temperatures and shorter
times for thinner or smaller pieces of food or for smaller loads of food - such
as when drying only a few trays. Use higher temperatures and longer times
for thicker foods and larger loads. The temperature control can also be used
to turn down the temperature as the food is near the end of its drying cycle
making it easier to control the final moisture level in the food.
1. Locate the appliance in a safe place, load and insert the trays, then
insert plug in the outlet.
2. Select the desired temperature scale. Change the C to F or from F to C
by pressing and holding “TEMP” then pressing and holding “TIMER”.
Release the buttons then repeat as desired.
3. Press and hold the “TEMP” button to select the desired temperature in
a range of 30-80 degrees C (or 86-176 degrees F). When pressing the
button the digital display will cycle through the highest temperature,
then will loop back to the lowest temperature again. Individual presses
of the button advance the count by one while holding the button down
will advance the temperature more quickly.
4. Set the desired amount of time by pressing and holding the “TIMER”
button. The number displayed in the digital display represents the