for installation and operation
1. Introduction.
We congratulate you on the excellent choice! We wish you many pleasant moments with your new appliance. If your choice is a wood-
burning stove, it is produced and tested in accordance with the requirements of the European standard EN 13240. If your choice is a
fireplace, it is produced and tested in accordance with the requirements of European standard EN 13229. They both respond to the
approved technical documentation.
You may expect, that you will have the opportunity to use your appliance for the purpose with which it was made, for a long period of
time, and with the least possible servicing. That is why we have a request for you, which is only for your benefit:
Do not leave this instruction manual unread. The assembly and the exploitation of a wood-burning stove or a fireplace are
connected with different legal obligations, which are explained in this instruction manual. According to the laws and
regulations for safety, when using an appliance of such class, the end user is obliged, with the help of this instruction, to
inform themselves for the assembling and the right operation of the appliance.
The correct installation, careful exploitation and care for the appliance are of great necessity for its perfect functioning and longevity.
The convenience of maintenance, the high level of usability of the fuels and the excellent performance in continuous burning allow the
usage of the appliance as a room heater of full value adding a comfortable atmosphere around the live fire.
Respecting all the directions in this instruction manual guarantees that your appliance will provide you with a lot of joy. By keeping the
instruction manual in a good condition, you will always be able to inform yourself about the right maintenance of the appliance before
the beginning of the heating season.
Appliance assembling
2.1. Wood-burning stove.
The technical parameters of a wood-burning stove are given in Appendix №1.
Installation diagrams for a wood-burning stove with an integral boiler are given in Appendix №2.
It is necessary the following conditions to be kept in order to ensure a safe and correct work of the wood-burning stove:
The wood-burning stove should be installed in rooms with sufficient airflow, which is required for the combustion.
Not every wood-burning stove could be connected to any chimney. Before assembling the wood-burning stove, check if the
static pressure and the chimney dimensions conforms to the needed parameters for the wood-burning stove. If the wood-
burning stove does not conform to the chimney, it will lead to a lower burning rate and polluting the glass with soot.
The chimney should be high enough (at least five meters). Only one more wood-burning stove can be connected to the same
chimney. The flue draught should be higher than 10 Pa but for stoves with a boiler up to 15 Pa. If the chimney is too high (the
draught exceeding 35 Pa) then it is necessary to mount a supplementary valve to reduce the draught.
The chimney should be very well insulated, with inside diameter at least ø 150 mm or with a section area at least 200 сm
The wood-burning stove should not be connected to a chimney when there is a solid fuel boiler connected to it.
The floor, where the wood-burning stove is placed, should be flat and horizontal, made of non-combustible materials (mosaic,
marble, terracotta, etc.). If the floor is not heat resistant (carpets, linoleums or others of the same kind) a stable, non-
combustible platform should be used, made of steel, glass or stone plates.
If there are any combustible materials or constructions, the wood-burning stove should be away from them at specified
distances (see Appendix №1) or there must be put an additional incombustible screen.
After the installation of the wood-burning stove, it has to be attached to the chimney through flue pipes. The connections
between the flue pipes and the socket should be tight. The flue pipe should not enter into the chimney.
2.2. Fireplace.
Technical parameters of a fireplace are given in Appendix №1.
Installation diagrams for a fireplace with an integral boiler are given in Appendix №2.
Please, observe all the requirements shown in point 2.1. In addition, it is necessary to observe the following conditions:
It is recommended, the assembling of the fireplace to be done by competent installation company.
At the installation of the fireplace, connection to the chimney and building of the surround thermos-resistant and
materials should be used only.
The fireplace can be installed into special recess or a special surround with walls and ceiling can encase it. The floor, where the
fireplace will be placed, should be smooth and leveled, made of non-combustible materials (mosaic, marble, terracotta, etc.)
and possessing enough loading capacity. If the floor is not stable, a suitable reinforced concrete plate has to be done.
fireplace has to be fixed to the base
It is necessary to ensure enough distance between the fireplace and surround, as well as enabling the natural air convection.
The walls of the surround have to be well insulated against overheating and thermal losses. The insulation material has to be
foiled and to have a temperature resistance from 700°С up to 1200°C.
It has to be providing air convection by special ventilation grilles.
A suitable temperature resistant fan can be inserting into the ventilation system to improve the heating efficiency.
If your fireplace is fit with an integral boiler, all additional components like pump, valves, etc., have to be placed in a visible
and easy for access places. Servicing apertures have to be provided.
The fireplace should be installed in rooms with sufficient air flow which is required for the combustion.