X992 Rev 202 V1305R-DC
5. Strip off the outer cable covering of the three (3) conductors (HOT or LIVE, NEUTRAL, and GROUND)
according to Figure 5. Remove approximately 0.25 inches (0.6 cm) of insulation from the end of each
6. Wire the three (3) conductors from the power source to the appropriate power supply terminals on the power
terminal block (TB3) screws on the power terminal block to secure the wires and secure the cables with the
cable tie provided.
Figure 5
Power Cable Preparation
Pan-and-Tilt, Lens and Auxiliary Connections
1. Unscrew the domed sealing nut of a cable entry fitting. Refer to Figure 2.
2. Route the appropriate cable from the camera station to the receiver.
3. Slip the sealing nut over the cable with the threads facing toward the end of the cable. Position the sealing
nut approximately 10 inches (25 cm) from the end of the cable.
4. Insert the end of the cable through the cable entry fitting and thread the nut onto the fitting. Tighten the
sealing nut firmly and secure the cable.
5. Strip off 1.5 inches (4 cm) of the outer cable covering. Remove approximately 0.25 inches (0.6 cm) of
insulation from the end of each of the pan-and-tilt, lens and auxiliary conductors.
6. Wire the conductors to the appropriate screw terminals on screw terminal TB4 (pan-and-tilt), TB5 (lens) and
TB1 (aux) on the receiver main board. Refer to Figure 4 and Tables 6, 7 and 8.
To avoid a potential video noise problem, in addition to connecting the drive signals of TB4 to
the ViStar, be sure to make the additional connection in step 7.
7. Connect the GND (pin 7) and the cable shield of the ViStar to the middle contact (CHASSIS) of TB3. Refer
to Figure 6.
The receiver has two other Grounds on the TB5 connector that achieve the same solution. They are
Ground (pin 2) and Lens Common (Ground) (pin 9), but these should be reserved for lens control if an
electronic lens is used.