Vicon part number 8009-8242-00-00 Rev 0112
Page 5
insTaLLaTion and oPEraTion ManUaL
TECH SUPPoRT: 800.34.VICoN (800.348.4266)
iP CaMEra-End
insTaLLaTion (CE-1UTP)
Set the S1 10/100BaseT DIP switch
to the appropriate rate based on the
required maximum data rate and
maximum distance.
oFF = 10BaseT; oN = 100BaseT
Set the S2 Master/Slave DIP switch to oN for “Master” mode
Set the S3 1- or 4-pair DIP switch oN for 1-pair or oFF for
4-pair operation.
For systems not utilizing PoE, connect the 12V power supply
to the power connector of the CE-1UTP. A power adapter
connector is provided to simplify connection.
Connect the IP camera RJ-45 connector to the 10/100BaseT
Ethernet port of the CE-1UTP using a standard Cat5/6 cable,
100m length (max).
Connect one end of the long UTP cable to the RJ-45 connector
of the CE-1UTP.
The link LED on the 10/100 connector should be “oN” to
indicate propre connection between the camera and the CE-
EThErnET swiTCh/nvr-End
Set the S2 Master/Slave DIP switch to oFF
for “Slave” mode
Set the S1 and S3 DIP switches to match the setting on the
and CE-16UTP:
For each channel used, set the
appropriate dip switches for each
channel to match the camera end.
Note: Multichannel units are preset to
“Slave” mode. No adjustment required.
For systems not utilizing PoE, connect
the 12V power supply to the power connector of the selected
Connect the RJ-45 connector of the Ethernet switch to the
10/100BaseT Ethernet port of the selected
CE-(X)UTP using a standard Cat5/6 cable, 100 m length (max).
Connect one end of the long UTP cable to the RJ-45 connector
of the selected CE-(X)UTP.
The Link LED on the 10/100 Ethernet connector should be
“oN” to indicate proper connection between the switch and
the selected CE-(X)UTP.
The Link LED (Red for 100BaseT, Green for 10BaseT) will
be “ON” and not flashing to indicate confirmed connection
between the CE-1UTP and selected
CE-(X)UTP extenders.
S1 S2 S3 S4
S1 S2 S3 S4
S1 S2 S3
S1 S2 S3