There is not any
steam going out
of the pressure
regulation valve
while the red
head of the
safety valve is
still down (not
This is only normal during the first
few minutes of use, until the right
pressure is generated inside the
cooker. If there is no change please
check the following:
1) The stove power is set at very low
volume and it is not enough to
generate the right pressure.
2) The amount of water in the
cooker is too small and not
enough to generate the right
3) The pressure regulator button is
not set in position
1) Set the stove power in a higher
2) Add the estimated amount of
water (after you turn off the stove,
remove the pressure cooker in
order to cool down, depressurize
the cooker and open the lid
according to the detailed
3) Set the pressure regulator button
in position
There is not any
steam going out
of the pressure
regulation valve
while the red
head of the
safety valve is
raised and
1) The pressure regulation valve is
blocked by food debris or other
2) The pressure regulation valve is
damaged and must be replaced.
3) The amount of water in the
cooker is too small and the food
is cooked dry.
1) Clean the pressure regulation
valve using a thin object (*).
2) Replace the pressure regulation
valve (*).
3) Add the estimated amount of
water (*).
(*) = after you turn off the stove,
remove the pressure cooker in order
to cool down, depressurize the
cooker and open the lid according to
the detailed instructions.
There is steam
and/or drops of
water escaping
from the edge of
the lid, while the
red head of the
safety valve is
still down (not
1) To lid is not closed and locked
2) The sealing ring is not installed
correctly in the lid.
3) The sealing ring is not clean.
4) The sealing ring is not in good
condition and must be replaced.
1) Close the lid in proper way.
2) Install the sealing ring correctly in
the lid (*).
3) Clean the sealing ring (*).
4) Replace the sealing ring (*).
(*) = after you turn off the stove,
remove the pressure cooker in order
to cool down, depressurize the
cooker and open the lid according to
the detailed instructions.