When riding in the dark, always make sure that the bike is fifitted with suitable reflectors
and a white front light and a red rear light.
It is essential that other road users can clearly see you when riding in the dark. Always wear bright,
reflctive clothing. Suitable refflectors should be ffitted to the front and rear of the bike and if possible
the wheels. A white light must be fitted fto the front of the bike and a red light at the rear.
Before starting any journey in the dark or even twilight, ensure the lights are working correctly and are
turned on.
Clean lights and reflectors regularly and make sure they can be seen from a distance.
Always take extra care when riding in wet, foggy, windy or icy conditions. The brakes
may not be as effective and the braking distances may be increased.
When riding in bad weather i.e. wet, foggy, windy or icy, always wear bright, reflective clothing which
is warm and waterproof.
You should always give other road users clear signals in plenty of time particularly when approaching
junctions. Always brake earlier than you would in the dry as the required braking distance will be
Be aware that all types of surface become greasy or slippery in bad weather. Do not turn or brake
It is recommended that personal music players are not used while riding a bike. These devices prevent
you from hearing approaching vehicles and may prove to be a distraction.
If a child seat is fifitted to the bike, make sure the child remains calm at all times. Take time to check
that the child’s arms, feet and clothing cannot be trapped in moving parts such as the wheels and
The child seat must be installed and used in accordance with the Manufacturer's information.
Riding in Bad Weather
Riding in the Dark
Riding Using Personal Music Players
Using Child Seats
Riding Advice
Customer Helpline 0845 640 0800
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