3.3 Measurement
Before measuring temperature, please clean the temperature
measuring head with or rubbing alcohol. Rinse it with cool water.
The thermometer supports measuring temperature of multiple body
For the infants under 3 months old, it is recommended to measure
rectal temperature.
Please follow the below instructions.
Measuring oral temperature
1. With your mouth open, put the temperature measuring head
under your tongue.
2. Close your lips gently around the thermometer.
3. Keep the thermometer under your tongue until the digital
thermometer beeps.
Measuring axillary temperature
1. Put the temperature measuring head securely in your armpit.
2. Hold your arm down tightly at your side.
3. Keep the thermometer in your armpit until the digital
thermometer beeps.
Measuring rectal temperature
1. Lubricate the probe tip with a water-soluable jelly for easier
insertion; do not use petroleum jelly,as it may cause an inaccurate
reading. Gently insert the probe tip no more than 1/2 inch into the