Instructions before Putting into Operation
Expansion tank filling valve. Pressure in the expansion tank shall be set according to the
heating system designing documentation. Pressure in the expansion tank shall be checked
during the regular annual servicing inspection.
Bleeding valve of exchanger
During bleeding, use for example a silicon hose of ø 6 and a small container to protect boiler
electronics from water leakage.
Loosen a screw at the valve. If the system is being breathed, air starts coming out from the
exchanger. At the moment when water starts coming out, the exchanger is deaerated. So the
screw might be retightenend. Repeat this procedure several times until the system is
completely deaerated.
Automatic pump bleeder valve may remain permanently open.
The minimum water pressure in the heating system is 0.8 bar, max. operating pressure is 2,5
bar. When filling and bleeding the system the pressure in the heating system needs to be
adjusted according to the designing documentation.