Boiler installation
Delivery and accessories
The boiler is supplied according to the order so that the complete boiler drum including the basement is placed on
the palette. The boiler shell is packed separately. Accessories are stored inside the boiler drum, accessible by
opening the cleaning door. The fuel tank (depending on the requirement small – 269 dm3 or large – 528 dm3)
including the fuel feeder assembly is placed on another pallet. The boiler is packed in a shipping container and must
not be tilted during transport.
Standard boiler delivery:
1 pc
boiler drum
accessories places inside the boiler drum:
- 1 pc ash-pan
- 1 pc cast iron grate
- 11 pc turbulators
- 1 pc air inlet pipe
- 1 pc ash rectifier
- 1 pc boiler sealant – tube 310 ml
- 1 pc thermostatic valve (filling valve) - series VTC512 (external thread) from ESBE
(minimum return water temperature 50 °C) (ord. code: 5102 15 00)
- 1 pc boiler operating and installation manual with the warranty card
- 1 pc list of contractual service organizations
- 1 pc package
- 1 pc fill and drain tap Js 1/2“
- 1 pc tip for spike
- 1 pc brush
- fasteners for attaching the fuel tank to the fuel feeder:
- 4 pc hexagonal bolts M8 x 20
- 4 pc washers 8.4
- fasteners for the shell:
- 16 pc spring clamp
- 16 pc connecting spike
- 20 pc screw ST 4.8 x 13
- 2 pc screw M4 x 6
- 3 pc outlets PG 11
- fasteners for attaching the switchboard to the fuel reservoir:
- 4 pc screw M6 x 16
- 4 pc flexible washer 6.4
- 4 pc mudguard washer 6.4
- 4 pc nut M6
- fasteners for mounting flanges to the boiler:
- 10 pc washers 10.5
- 10 pc nut M10
fasteners mounted on the boiler drum:
- fasteners for attaching the fuel feeder assembly to the basement:
- 4 pc stud M10 x 30
- 4 pc washers 10.5
1 pc
fuel tank
accessories located inside the reservoir:
- 1 pc fan
- 1 pc thermostatic valve BVTS (Danfoss) or TS 130 (Honeywell) or STS 20 (Watts)
- 4 pc fireclay top plate
- 2 pc lower ceramics
1 pc
fuel feeder assembly
fasteners mounted on the fuel feeder assembly:
- 4 pc half round head screw M6 x 12 – for attaching the fan to the fuel feeder assembly
1 pc
boiler drum shell including isolation
- 1 pc handle for the cleaning tool type 1
- 1 pc safety thermostat bracket