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your local tropical fish store or pet supply store for the required water conditioners for 

your area.


Verify that there are not any leaks.

15.  Once the aquarium has reached the proper temperature you are ready to add fish and 


Helpful Hints: 

The light fixture must remain free of water and/or salt creep at all times failure to do so will cause 

permanent damage to the light fixture, cause electrical arching and/or start a fire.

Do not add all the fish and plants at one time. See your local tropical fish store and pet supply store 

for proper new tank setup. An additional life support system is recommended.

Aeration-aids is use of a secondary water circulating pump.


Keeping Tropical fish is easy once you understand the basics. Every aquarium is a self- 

contained ecosystem. Meaning that water, fishes, plants and nitrifying bacteria all work 

together to maintain a stable environment. At first the aquarium is not balance because the 

nitrifying bacteria have not had a chance to cultivate in the biological media. The introduction 

of nitrifying bacteria will help speed up the biological cycle and create a healthy environment 

for your fish. Adding the bacteria is not an instant solution but will greatly improve set up of 

any new aquarium. Now, add few fishes and plants, as this will start your biological cycle.

Consult your local tropical fish store or pet supply store for a few hearty fish and plants. 

Now it will take a little patience since it is a natural process there is not an exact time frame 

as when the biological cycle will end. To verify that the biological cycle is complete test 

the water for ammonia and nitrite. If both the ammonia and nitrite are at 0.0 ppm you are 

ready to slowly stock your aquatic environment. Adding fish weekly is recommended so 

the environment has time to adjust to the increased biological load. Two weeks after the 

biological cycle is complete change 25-30% of the water once a month. 

Remember these are only guidelines and not rules of aquarium set up. Set up can very 

depending on local water conditions and the type of fish or animals you would like to keep. 

A good tropical fish store or pet supply store can assist with good advice.

Do not add all the fish and plants at one time. 

See your local tropical fish store for proper new tank setup.

An additional life support system is recommended.

Aeration-aids in good gas exchange or use of a secondary water circulating pump.
