Mainboard Installation
Page 6
Installation Precautions
During installation and initial test, use caution to avoid personal injury and damage to wiring due to sharp
pins on connectors and printed circuit assemblies, rough chassis edges and corners, and hot components.
Adhere to warnings and limitations regarding accessibility into areas designated only for authorized
technical personnel.
A Quick Introduction
To Install and operate your the new motherboard, you must follow the steps below:
Install the CPU with cooling fan
Install RAM modules
Connect cables, wires and power connector
Install expansion cards
Auto Jumper
After hardware installation, the user should select the appropriate CPU speed in the “CPU
CONFIGURATION SETUP” menu within the CMOS setup. Notice that there exists no jumper on this
mainboard. The user may clear the CMOS content by pressing “F” key while switching on the system.
If a wrong CPU speed is selected, the system may behave unstable, causing the user not being able to get
into CMOS setup. Pressing the “J” key while switching on the system can make re-selection in this case.