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viasis 3003 user manual
6.8 Test functions
The test functions menu is shown if you enter
in the main menu, see also illustration 11 .
Test functions:
1. LED display
2. Flash memory
3. Real time clock
4. Main battery
5. Simulation
6. Light sensor
7. Back
Your choice 1...7?
The test
shows first „19.9“ on the numeric LED display in the LED base color,
then if equipped in the second LED color and if defined in the last optional mixed LED color
with rising brightness in 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 16%, 32%, 64% and 100% of the maximal bright-
ness each time for 1,5 seconds. The current value of the
LED brightness
is also transferred via
data connection to a terminal.
If the LED mixed color is defined „124“ is displayed in varying color balances, afterwards
„124“ is shown in blinking mode in the installed LED colors.
For the following LED display up- and down count test the start and end count value is taken
from the set
minimal- and maximal speed displayed
parameters defined in parameter set 1,
see chapter Each count value is shown ¾ seconds on the numeric LED speed display.
Further the thresholds for blinking LED display, LED color change and LED mixed color, as
well as for the integrated warning symbols defined in parameter set 1 are recognized for the
equivalent display. Optional installed extensions see chapter 6.3.6, are activated during the up-
and down count test depending if their on/off threshold is exceeded by the count value, or not.
Flash memory
test indicates the installed memory size first:
4 MB Flash installed
The flash memory test destructs stored measurement data and the event protocol, therefore
follows the question:
All data will be deleted
Continue (y/n)?
If you perform the test the proper function of all memory cells is checked by erasing and re-
writing the cell contents:
Erase Page: 4096 ok
Write Page: 4096 ok
The flash memory cells (bits) are organized in so called pages (256, 512 or 1024 bytes of 8
bits). In case of an error the test stops at the erroneous page and the error is reported. Else the
proper memory function is confirmed with
after the last page was tested.
The test of the
Real time clock
includes beside the output of date and time a compare test be-
tween a microcontroller and a real time clock time, generated from their crystal oscillator
frequencies. Is the compare time difference smaller than 50 ppm (parts per million), equivalent