10. How will I get service/ spare parts for my water purifier post Warranty?
11. Can I use reject water?
12. What should I do if there is no water in the storage tank?
13. How much time does the purifier takes to purify water?
It is not recommended to use the reject water for any kind of human/pets
consumption or contacts (drinking or cooking or bathing). It may be used for
gardening or mopping floors.
In the case of no water supply, the third LED will glow red. Please ensure water
supply to the unit. No LED will glow in case of power supply failure. Please
ensure the power supply to the unit.
If both water and power supply available, please call V-Guard customer care
support number.
9. What are all the consumables which are to be replaced?
You need to clean/replace Sediment Filter approximately every 6 months from
the date of installation based on the input water quality conditions and other
consumables approximately every 1 year from date of installation.
Please get in touch with V-Guard service centre for customized AMC plans
best suited to your needs.
This water purifier usually takes 20 min to purify the water under standard
conditions. However the actual performance may vary depending on the
quality of input water.
5. Can I service on my own?
6. How long can the water in the water purifier be used for drinking?
7. What should I do if there is a leakage from the purifier?
It is not recommended to open your water purifier and service it on your own.
Call V-Guard customer support centre for any issues related to service &
opening the machine.
You can use stored water for up to 48 hrs. If it is not used for 48 hours we
advise you to discard that water, refill and consume.
8. Does water purifier remove arsenic, fluoride and nitrates?
Consumables Filters
Estimated Life
(Whichever occurs earlier)
12 - Months or 6000 Litres
6 - Months or 3000 Litres
External Pre-filter
24 - Months or 12000 Litres
UV Lamp
Pre Carbon Filter (GAC), Sediment
Filter, RO Membrane Post Carbon
GAC, Mineral Balancer, Micron Filter,
UF Membrane