Inventor’s Guide
Vex starter kit
getting started • 4
Test the robot
Once you have completed the robot, extend the antenna on the Radio
Control Transmitter and turn it on by fl ipping the power switch on the
front of the transmitter.
Once the Transmitter is on, you can turn on the Vex Micro Controller
module on the robot by fl ipping its power switch (located next to the
battery port).
You should see green lights for the Power Status and Rx1, and the
large light blinking occasionally.
If you built and connected everything according to the instructions,
you should now be able to drive the robot around using the sticks on
your Radio Control Transmitter. The controls are as follows:
In addition, the bumper switch sensors on the front and rear of your
robot are confi gured to act as “tag points.” When they are hit by
another robot or obstacle, your robot will be temporarily disabled.
Left stick
Right stick
Turn Left
Turn Right