Inventor’s Guide
Vex starter kit
getting started • 2
all users
How to use the Vex Starter Kit the fi rst time
Unwrap the Inventor’s Guide chapters and insert them
into the binder.
Start with the packet containing the Subsystem Dividers (with the colored
tabs), then add the chapter packets in behind the appropriate dividers. If
your subsystems get out of order, the supplied table of contents can help
you set them straight.
Your Inventor’s Guide Binder is the central repository for information
about the Vex Robotics Design System and all its components and
The Starter Kit includes the fi rst set of chapters, but as your designs
evolve, you will add new parts and accessories that will expand your
robotic repertoire. Whenever you decide to expand your robot’s horizons,
your binder will expand with them. Every accessory and part in the Vex
line comes with all the information you need on a page that drops right
into your binder so you don’t need to worry about losing it—or getting
lost yourself.
Your kit also includes a product registration card packed on top of the
documentation, which you should fi ll out and send in before you forget.
Take an inventory of all the parts in the kit to make sure
you have everything.
Turn to Appendix D at the back of your newly constructed binder, and use
the parts listing there to make sure you have all the pieces in the kit. If
you have parts storage bins or an organizer case, this would be a great
time to unpack the parts from the box and move them to their new homes.
Start charging your batteries
Standard AA alkaline batteries can be used to power the Radio
Transmitter for your fi rst few uses if needed, but the Vex Micro Controller
cannot be run on alkaline AAs. You will need a set of non-alkaline
(preferably NiCd) rechargeable batteries. See the Power Subsystem
section of the Inventor’s Guide for more information.
Since batteries typically take between 4 and 14 hours to charge
(depending on your charger) and are typically shipped empty or with only
a partial charge, you should plug them in now so they will be ready as
soon as possible. In order to ensure a healthy battery charging cycle,
don’t use the batteries until they have fi nished charging.
You are now ready to build a robot!