Systems Corporation, 275-J Marcus Blvd., Hauppauge, NY 17787 USA
Tel: 631-434-3185 Fax: 631-434-3516 e-mail:[email protected]
you are using an AT style keyboard and/or PC.
All of the mentioned terminators are intended to allow stand-alone, unattended operations of your PC. They do not require
any operator actions to operate properly. With the VIP-325, and the VIP-329 series of terminators, allow the user to plug in
a keyboard into them at any time, while the VIP-329, allow the user to plug in a PS/2 mouse at any time. The VIP-321 does
not provide a connector for plugging in a keyboard, and the VIP-328 does not provide connections for plugging in either a
keyboard or PS/2 mouse.
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