SBGD installation instructions.doc
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Copyright 2011 Vestil Manufacturing Corp.
Improper or careless installation might result in serious personal injuries sustained by motorists and/or
Immediately replace any speed bump that becomes structurally compromised. DO NOT keep a damaged speed bump
in service. Follow the inspection recommendations presented below to determine whether a speed bump should be
Post signs visible to and readable by motorists to warn them about the location of the speed bump and to recommend
an appropriate reduction of speed.
DO NOT modify the speed bump or the mounting hardware in any way UNLESS you first obtain express, written
approval from Vestil. Unauthorized modifications might make the product unsafe to use, and could result in operator
and/or bystander injury.
Step 1: Fasten the anchor plates to the speed bump as shown in the diagram below. Press the T-nuts into the anchor
plate holes and tighten bolts. After tightening bolts a hammer may be necessary to completely drive the T-nut serrations
through the anchor plates and into the bottom of the speed bump.
[NOTE: The number of anchor plates and fasteners is different for each model; therefore, the hardware package
included with your product might contain more than 3 anchor plates and 3 sets of corresponding fasteners.]
Step 2: Prepare the surface (road) where the speed bump will be installed. Thoroughly sweep the surface/road where
the speed bump will be installed. Allow the surface to dry completely, if applicable.
Step 3: Apply an even layer (2-3 ounces) of either 2-part epoxy or heavy duty construction adhesive to the bottom of
each anchor plate. Follow the directions included with the adhesive, and pay particularly close attention to the amount of
time required for the epoxy/adhesive to set. All anchor plates must be coated and the bump must be set in place before
the epoxy/adhesive sets.
Step 4: Place the speed bump in the selected location. Firmly press down on the speed bump to facilitate contact
between the adhesive and the surface/road. Follow the instructions about drying time included with the adhesive.
epoxy to
Close-up view of T-nut
Anchor plate (apply epoxy/adhesive to entire surface)
Zinc-plated USS
flat washer
in. zinc-plated hex
head bolt
Inspections & Maintenance
At least once per month:
Try to wiggle the speed bump to determine the soundness of the connections between the anchor plates and the
road, as well as between the bolts and nuts. If the speed bump can wobble, i.e. separating from road surface,
determine which connection is loose, and then tighten the bolt-to-nut connection(s) and apply more adhesive to the
bottom of the loose anchor plate(s).
Closely inspect the speed bump for damage (cracks, deformation, etc.). If the speed bump is cracked or splitting,
replace it.
Wipe dirt and other filth from the surface of the speed bump. The speed bump is yellow to provide a sharp contrast
with the surface/road.