rev. 10/22/2010
FTLP manual, operation instructions.doc
Thank you f or p urchasing a fork-mou ntable e quipment loadi ng platform (“platform” or
“loading pl atform”) m ade by Vestil Ma nufacturing Corporation (“Vestil”). Our platform s a re
durable, high-quality products that combine safety-features and reliable mechanics. Although
use and m aintenance p rocedures are relatively intuitive, all person s who might use o r
maintain this product must familiarize themselves with the instructions provided in this manual.
Standard design features i nclude: fork pocket s that rece ive the tines (forks) of a fo rk lift; loading ramp; toeboards;
textured floor plate fo r improved tractions; and a safety chain to secure the work platform to the fork carriage to prevent
the platform from sliding off of the forks if the lift operator accidentally tilts the mast forward during use. Optional features
include: mast guard; guard rails; and e ntryway-spanning chains. Dimensions and other product specifications appear in
the following table:
Platform dimensions
width x length in
inches (~cm)
Fork pocket dimensions
width x height in inches
Uniform maximum
rated load in pounds
Net weight in
pounds (~kg)
54 x 54 (137 x 137)cm
7½ x 2½ (19 x 6.4)cm
2,000 (909kg)
300 (136kg)
FTLP-5454-HR* 54 x 54 (137 x 137)cm
7½ x 2 ½ (19 x 6.4)cm
2,000 (909kg)
410 (186kg)
*Includes removable handrails (2), entryway chains (2), and expanded metal mast guard.
: To calculate the weight of a “fully loaded platform,” select the specific model you own/use, find the net weight of
your model in the table above, and then add 2,000 pounds (909kg).
Safety Principles
Vestil Manufacturing Corp. recognizes the critical importance of workplace safety. However, although Vestil diligently
strives to identify foreseeable hazardous situations, this manual cannot address every conceivable danger. The end-user
is ultimately responsible for exercising sound judgment at all times.
This m anual will acquai nt person s au thorized to u se a nd/or maintain this equipment pla tform with sa fe use a nd
maintenance procedures.
Each person, who might use or perform maintenance on the equipment platform, must
read and understand every instruction BEFORE using the device or performing maintenance
. Users should have
access to the manual at all times and should routinely review the directions.
Employers are responsible for training employees to use the product properly. If you do not understand an instruction,
ask yo ur su pervisor or emp loyer for assistance, be cause fa ilure to follo w th e directio ns i n this m anual might result in
serious personal injury or even death.
Vestil is
not liable
for a ny injury o r property damage that occu rs as a consequence of faili ng to ap ply either: 1) th e
instructions that appear in this manual; or 2) the information provided on labels affixed to the product. Furthermore, failure
to exercise good judgment and common sense might result in property damage, serious personal injury or death. Such
failure is solely the fault of the person(s) using the equipment platform.
This manual uses SIGNAL WORDS to classify personal injury risks and situations that might lead to property damage,
as well a s to draw attenti on to safety messag e(s). The reader must und erstand that eac h signal word indicate s the
seriousness of the described hazard.
Identifies a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in DEATH or SERIOUS
INJURY. Use of this signal word is limited to the most extreme situations.
Identifies a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in DEATH or SERIOUS
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in MINOR or MODERATE
Identifies practices likely to result in product/property damage, such as operation that might damage the
equipment platform.
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Copyright 2010 Vestil Manufacturing Corp.