Use Instructions:
The cart dumper is intended to be used with a forklift truck, and therefore, only personnel who have
successfully completed an approved operator training program like the one described in B56.1-2005, section 4.19.1-.5
should operate the cart dumper.. The operating instructions in this manual are intended to
recommendations for safe forklift operation learned during a forklift training program or contained in ANSI/ITSDF
standard B56.1, and ANSI standards Z245.1, .30, and .60. According to these standards, safe operation of lift trucks
and cart dumpers is the responsibility of the operator. B56.1 defines an “Operator” as a “trained and authorized [by
your employer or by the owner of the dumper] person who controls any function(s) of a powered industrial truck.”
Operators must develop safe working habits and an awareness of hazardous conditions occurring or present during
operation of the fork truck and dumper.
Step 1: Inspect the cart dumper as recommended in the “Maintenance and Inspection” section of this manual.
Proceed to the next step ONLY IF the clamp passes the inspection and is deemed safe to use by designated
inspection personnel.
Step 2: Drive the forklift truck forward to insert the forks into both of the fork pockets, which are identified with arrows
in photo 1. Continue driving forward until the dumper base frame (1) rests against the vertical portion of each fork and
the ends of the fork tines extend beyond the end of the pockets (shown in photo 3). Tilt the forks to prevent the FM-T
from slipping off (photo 4).
Step 3: Set the dumper on the ground and complete the steps learned during your forklift operator training program
before dismounting the forklift.
Step 4: Attach the safety chain to the carriage. Attach the carabiner to the safety chain near the end that connects to
the base frame of the dumper as shown in photo 5b. Adjust the connection so that there is very little slack in the
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