Last update: 2021/12/17 00:00
Printed on 2021/12/18 07:41
completely before making
connections to the laser. Never
connect or disconnect the
D2-105 to/from a laser with the
D2-105 energized.
Always turn off the power supply,
make connections to this device,
and then re-energize the power
supply. Never connect this
device to a power supply that is
switched on and supplying
As with any diode laser and
controller, improper usage can
cause irreparable damage to the
If you are considering using an
Uninterruptible Power Supply
(UPS) to guarantee operation of
your Vescent products through a
brown out or black out, great
care should be taken in choosing
the model. Lower cost models
tend to produce modified square
wave voltage profiles. The high-
frequency components of such a
voltage profile may interact
poorly with the D2-005 (and
down-stream active Vescent
modules). If you do choose to
use a UPS, select a model that
will provide a sine wave voltage
profile without higher harmonic
components to avoid potential
damage to your high-value
Purchase Includes:
D2-105 Laser Controller
D2-007 Laser Controller Breakout Board
VPN00454 Hirose-to-Hirose Laser