The T-Line unit is de signed to be mounted in a range of orienta ons.
The unit can be
suspended from the cei ling using drop-rods, or bolted to the plant room floor. It is the
installer’s responsibility to ensure that there is sa fe working access provided to the unit f or
maintenance. The ins taller must also c onsider, adequate illumina on of the unit, in order
for safe maintenance to be carried out .
Motor on top
Access on both sides
Feet mounted on
bo om
Motor on side
Access on both sides
Feet mounted either
side of the access sides
Motor on side
Access on top
and bo om
Feet mounted on
bo om access side
T-Line Unit
Orienta on
Fix moun ng feet to the correct side dependant on the orienta on of the unit.
Ensure ALL fixings are used; if reposi oning the feet, ensure all fixings are reinstated.
Fixing Feet
Installa on
Units should only be supported using the support feet as provided by VES Andover Ltd.
with the unit. Contact VES Andover Ltd. before a emp ng to support the unit using
alterna ve methods. Only experienced engineers should undertake this work.
Take necessary safety precau ons when w orking in ele vated posi ons.
Cau on
The electrical supply must be fully isolated before a emp ng to complete any work on
this unit. All electrical connec ons to any unit must be carried out in accordance with
the current edi on of the
I.E.T Regula ons
and only competent electricians should be
allowed to carry out any electrical work to our units.
Con nued
All Sizes
250 -710 only (not for 800)
Extract Units