© 2013 Verve Living Systems
The two mounting
holes are exposed.
B. Position the magnet with the proper spacing and align-
ment, and then install it with the provided screws.
C. Replace the magnet cover and snap it into place on the
tab lock.
NOTE: For low activity applications, the magnet can be
mounted with double-sided tape (not included).
5. Check the alignment arrows and the distance between the
sensor and magnet when the door or window is closed.
TIP: There is a faintly audible click when the sensor and mag-
net close and open.
Two or more EnOcean-based devices can be linked and config
ured to provide the desired control. There are two basic types of
devices in the system; transmitters and transceivers.
Transmitters are simple energy-harvesting
devices that send RF messages to communicate a condition,
level, or state. Transmitters can only be linked to transceivers.
Examples > Self-powered Light Switches, Occupancy Sensors
Transmit & Receive:
Transceivers are controlling devices
that send as well as receive RF messages. They also process
relevant control logic, and actuate the appropriate outputs
(switching a light on or off for example). Transceivers can be
linked with transmitters as well as other transceivers. A trans-
ceiver can have up to 30 devices linked to it.
Examples > Relays, Gateways
Mounting Holes
Mounting Holes
Fixed Frame
Moving Part
Fixed Frame
Moving Part
The Door/Window Sensor is a Transmit-only Device.
To link the Door/Window Sensor to a transceiver; the transceiver
must first be powered, within wireless range, and set to accepts
Next, the desired transmitter, or another transceiver, is triggered
to send a special link message. The awaiting transceiver receives
and stores the link permanently so the devices can interact to
provide a variety of intelligent control options.
Sensor Profiles
The sensor profile determines how the sensor is used within the
system, whether it is for occupancy detection, HVAC control, or
single load control. How the sensor interacts with other devices
depends on where it is installed and how it is linked. There are
three sensor profiles.
NOTE: These profiles are supported for linking with EnOcean
EISM (In-line Switch), EPSM (Plug-in Switch), and EHSM (HVAC
Setback) controllers. Consult the manual for the respective con-
trollers to determine the capabilities of the solution.
Entry Door - for Occupancy Detection
For this profile, the sensor is installed on an entry door and
operates with a motion sensor as follows:
Door Opens
Door Closes
The door/window ajar
timer starts. If the timer
runs out, shutdown mode
is activated on the HVAC
The door/window ajar timer
is reset if all monitored doors
and windows are closed. The
vacancy check timer starts,
if the motion sensor detects
occupancy, normal mode is
activated on the HVAC system.
Window or Patio Door for HVAC Control
For this profile, the sensor is installed on a window or patio door
and operates as follows:
Window Opens
Window Closes
The door/window ajar
timer starts. If the timer
runs out, shutdown mode
is activated on the HVAC
The door/window ajar timer
is reset if all monitored doors
and windows are closed.
Normal mode is activated on
the HVAC system.
Closet Door for Single Load Control
For this profile, the sensor is installed on a closet door and oper
ate as follows because it is the only linked device:
Door Opens
Door Closes
The switched auto-off timer
starts and the light turns
on. If the timer runs out the
light turns off.
The light turns off.
Door/Window Sensor • Installation Guide