Vertiv | Liebert XDH | User Manual
Controller Operation Instructions
The abbreviations of the set point conditions and alarms are mentioned below
Sup T Set
Supply Air Temperature Setpoint
Ret T Set
Return Air Temperature Setpoint
Rem T set
Remote Air Temperature Setpoint
Temp Band
Temperature Bandwidth (2.0°C ind/-1 °C 0
Temp DB
Temperature Deadband zone
Hum Set
Relative Humidity Setpoint
Hum Band
Relative Humidity Bandwidth
Hum DB
Relative Humidity Deadband zone
Ctrl Mode
Mode of capacity control: Average Supply Air
Integ Time
Integrated Time (Part of the PID Logic)
Diff Time
Differential Time (Part of the PID Logic)
The specified temperature value is the target temperature for ensuring normal operation of the system.
When the control mode is set to supply air mode, the specified temperature is the temperature of the
supply air. When the control mode is set to air return, the specified temperature is the temperature of the
return air. This setting for the remote mode is also similar.
6.6.6.System State
Select Main Menu -> System State to enter the System State menu, as shown in
Figure 6-16 System State