Vertiv GEIST WSCK Quick Installation Manual Download Page 4

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Quick Installation Guide




the wet cloth loosely around the 

cable. Do not put pressure on the 

Remove the simulated leak sources 

and return the system to its normal 

operating state.
To test the cable fault alarm, 

remove the end-of-line terminator 

(EOL) from the end of the sensing 

cable. This will cause a cable break, 

which should be reported 

appropriately by the LD310. Once 

the cable break alarm is verified, 

reapply the EOL and ensure the 

system returns to its normal 

operating state.



The first step is to re-name the 

analog inputs to something more 

descriptive, to help identify the 

“cable fault” and “leak” signals 

when looking at the unit’s logged 

data or e-mailed alert messages. 

These names can be changed from 

the Sensor tab of the monitoring 

unit’s application. 
If you connected the signals 

according to the Control Box 

Wiring Diagram on page 2, Analog 1 

will be the “Cable Fault” signal, and 

Analog 2 will be the “Leak 

Detection” signal. 



If the orange Leak Detection 

Cables become contaminated by 

oils, solvents or conductive 

residues, it may continue to give a 

“wet” signal, even though the cable 

and surrounding area appears dry. 

If this happens, the cable can be 

cleaned as follows:

Clean the cable with 

isopropyl alcohol

Cleaning the cable with alcohol 

allows you to clean the sensing 

cable without completely 

disconnecting and removing it from 

its installed location. Instead, you’ll 

remove each section of cable you 

wish to clean from its J-clips, wipe 

it down, and reinstall the cable.
This method will clean most 

contaminants from the cable, and is 

generally suff icient in most cases.

1. Obtain a dye-free heavy cloth 

rag and a bottle of isopropyl 


2. Remove the first section of 

cable to be cleaned from its 


3. Soak the rag with alcohol.
4. Wrap the rag around the cable 

and squeeze firmly while pulling 

the rag down the length of the 


5. Flip the rag over every several 

feet. Re-saturate the rag with 

alcohol as required.

6. Once you’ve reached the end of 

the first section of cable, place 

it back in the J-clips and 

proceed to the next section.

7. Replace the rag if it becomes 

too dirty.

Clean the cable with warm, 

soapy water

If the cable still gives a false “wet’ 

signal, even after you’ve cleaned it 

with isopropyl alcohol as above, or 

if the cable appears so dirty that it 

requires a more intense scrubbing, 

the cables may be cleaned with 

warm, soapy water instead. This 

process requires you to completely 

remove the cable from its installed 

location, submerge it in a soap-and-

water solution, scrub it with a brush, 

and hang it to dry for several hours, 

so it is highly recommended to try 

the alcohol-cleaning method first.

1. Remove the sensing cable from 

its installed location. Labeling 

the sections of cable to note 

their location for later 

re-installation is highly 


2. Add dish soap (such as Dawn™) 

to a bucket of warm water, 

using about 1 cup (250 ml) of 

detergent per gallon (4 L) of 


3. Submerge a section of the 

cable in the water and, using a 

scrub brush or rag, scrub along 

the surface of the cable with 

firm pressure. Be sure to scrub 

all sides of the cable.

4. Remove the section of the 

cable from the soapy solution 

and rinse it in a bucket of clean, 

fresh water.

5. Ensure there are no oily 

deposits along the length of the 

cable. If the cable does not 

appear clean, repeat steps 3 

and 4.

6. Hang up the cable to dry. Try to 

point the connectors down, so 

water cannot pool inside the 

connectors. The drying process 

may take 6 - 48 hours, 

depending on the room 


7. Once the cable is completely 

dry, reinstall it in its original 

