Vertex Puratek Installation And Maintenance Manual Download Page 3



1-  Insert Sediment filter in Canister # 1. 

2-   Insert Carbon block in Canister # 2. 

3- Insert RO Membrane in Canister # 3. 

4-  Tighten shut all canisters & use silicone lubricant on O-rings if necessary. 

5-  Connect the Water line Connector supplied to the Cold water line, use 

Teflon tape to ensure complete seal. 

6-  Connect the water inlet on Chamber # 1 to water source using the tubing 


7- Connect Tubing to the Water Outlet on Chamber #3 using the tubing 

supplied. This is your product water supplying a reservoir or pressurized 


8-  Connect the Waste water line (blue color tube) attached to the unit to drain. 

9-   Force all tubing in the quick disconnect fittings all the way& reinsert the 

blue security lock back on. 

10-  Turn on the source Water. 

11-  Recheck to see all connection are complete & canisters are shut properly. 

After following the above steps your installation is complete & the unit is 
operational. Dispose of the product water for the first half hour after 
installation, repeat the same practice after future membrane exchanges 
every time. 

Manual Back Flush 


It is recommended to flush your RO membrane from time to time; this will 
increase the membrane’s life & avoid TDS creep. 
Simply open the Restrictor Valve fully & allow the unit to flush itself. Closing the 
valve will direct the water through the restrictor & unit will start to produce water 

Shut off function 


Puratek units are supplied with a shut off valve. If used with a Float valve or any 
other means of water shut off, the valve will automatically stop the water flow to 
the RO membrane. 
