Vertex 1/4 HP Maintenance Instructions Download Page 2

Hours: M-F, 8 am – 5 pm EST •  P: 1-844-432-4303 • [email protected]


Hours: M-F, 8 am – 5 pm EST •  P: 1-844-432-4303 • [email protected]


Cooling fans provide critical cooling for the cabinet components. If the cooling fan fails, cabinet temperatures will increase and damage the 
compressor system. We recommend replacing the cooling fan during compressor piston cup replacement. 


PondLyfe 1

PondLyfe 2  OR  PondLyfe 4

PondLyfe 3

Remove the PondLyfe lid

Remove the PondLyfe lid

Remove the PondLyfe lid

Locate pressure release valve (pg.7, E)

Close one of the two valves (pg.7, A)

Close two of the three valves (pg.7, A)

Using the attached ring on the pressure release valve, 

pull back gently so air releases through the valve. Hold 

for 2 seconds then close. If it doesn't retun, gently twist 

until it does.

Fully open the remaining valve

Fully open the remaining valve

Fully close the open valve for two seconds then return to the 

open position. The pressure release valve will activate when 

closed. This is OK. 

Fully close the open valve for two seconds then return to the 

open position. The pressure release valve will activate when 

closed. This is OK. 

Repeat four more times, total of five flexes. 

Repeat four more times, total of five flexes. 

Repeat four more times, total of five flexes. 

With the one valve fully open, open the second valve. Now 

close the valve that was just used and repeat flexing for the 

second valve.

With the one valve fully open, open the second valve. Now 

close the valve that was just used and repeat flexing for the 

second valve. Repeat for the third valve.

Set valves to their previous setting for balanced airflow.

Set valves to their previous setting for balanced airflow.

Reattach lid

Reattach Lid

Reattach Lid



If the system has been installed in an established pond and you are attempting to balance 

the AirStations during the first day of operation, make certain that this procedure takes as little time as possible. Under 30 minutes is preferred. 

See “System Start-up Procedures” section for details.


Si vous installez un système dans un ancien étang, et que vous essayez d'équilibrer les 

AirStation ™ lors de la première journée d'opération, assurez-vous que cette procédure prendra le moins de temps possible. Moins de 30 minutes 
si possible. Voir "Procédures du système de départ" pour plus de détails.

Once the installation of a multiple AirStation system has been completed, proper balancing of the AirStations is required to ensure that they all 
get an equal amount of air. The control valves for each AirStation are located inside the cabinet, unless a VBS (Valve Box System) was installed. 
In the instance that a Remote VBS was installed, the control valves will be inside the valve box, buried to ground level, down by the shoreline.

Use a 7/16" wrench to unscrew the bolts and remove the cabinet lid. Close the AirStation valve with the shortest (or most shallow) run of tubing. 
With one valve wide open, partially open the valve that controls the air flow to the other AirStation. Adjust the second valve until a boil is noticed 
above this AirStation. Once there is air to both of the AirStations, check to be sure both boils are approximately the same size. If they are not, 
make small adjustments as necessary to even them out. At this point, we suggest making indicator marks with a permanent marker from the 
valve handle to the valve body to assist you in rebalancing the system in the future. The overall goal when adjusting the valves is to balance the 
AirStations at the lowest possible pressure. The lower the system pressure the higher the total air flow.

