4.11 Reboot System
This menu is used to reboot the switch unit remotely with current configuration. Starting this menu will
make your current http connection lost. You must rebuild the connection to perform any
management operation to the unit.
4.12 Restore Default
This menu is used to restore all settings of the switch unit with factory default values. Note that
this menu might change the current IP address of the switch and make your current http connection
4.13 Update Firmware
This menu is used to perform in-band firmware (switch software) upgrade. Enter the path and file name
of new firmware image file for uploading.
Configuration Description
Filename Path and filename (warp format)
[Browse] Click to browse your computer file system for the firmware image file
[Upload] Click to start upload
4.14 Logout
This menu is used to perform a logout from the switch management. If current user does not perform
any management operation over 3 minutes, the switch will execute an auto logout and abort the
current connection.