Interfaces and Connectors
EBX-18 Hardware Reference manual
Seven IRQs have been shown to work with the ISA bus expansion cards. As listed in Table 32,
they are IRQ3, IRQ4, IRQ5, IRQ6, IRQ7, IRQ10, and IRQ11. There are conflicts with all other
IRQ assignments per the Vortex86DX2 resources, and by default IRQ3, IRQ4, IRQ10 and IRQ11
are assigned to the four COM Ports. If the ISA expansion card requires more than three IRQs,
you may have to disable the COM Port using the desired IRQ, taking care to ensure each of the
required IRQs are reserved from PCI use in the BIOS Setup program (PCIPnP settings). IRQ
selection often requires checking to make sure the system does not have resource conflicts.
The EBX-18 has limited support of the PC/104 bus. Most PC/104 cards will work, but be sure to
check the requirements of your PC/104 card against the resources listed in Table 32.
Table 32: PC/104 ISA I/O, IRQ, and Memory Resources
Available ISA I/O Addresses
(Note 1)
Available ISA IRQs
(Note 2)
Available ISA Memory
10 – 1F
24 – 3F
44 – 47
4C – 5F
67 – 6F
76 – 77
7D – 7F
90 – 91
A2 – A6
AE – B1
B4 – BF
E0 – FF
106 – 16F
178 – 1EF
1F8 – 375
377 – 3BF
3E0 – 3F5
400 – 47F
490 – 4CF
4D2 – 7FF
880 – CFBD00
A0000 – B7FFF
C8000 – DFFFF
The I/O ranges allocated to COM ports 1-4 are available to ISA only when the on-board COM ports are
disabled in the BIOS Setup program.
Each of these IRQs must be reserved from the PCIPnP use in the BIOS Setup program before they can
potentially be used on the ISA bus. Because ISA IRQ sharing is not supported, make sure that any IRQ
channel used for an ISA device is not used elsewhere. For example, if ISA IRQ4 is enabled, you must use a
different IRQ for COM1 to avoid resource conflicts.
The EBX-18 supports a full PCI interface for all four slots. The Vortex86DX2 SoC does not
support a PCI interface directly so an XIO2001 PCIe-to-PCI bridge device is used.
The only features not supported are:
66 MHz mode (the EBX-18 board only supports 33 MHz)
PSON# power control
+5V_SB standby power
Note that the PCI connector VI/O power pins are connected to the V3P3 power supply on-board
which turns on with the PCI Bridge device, whereas the PCI con3.3V pins are tied to the
V3P3_ATX rail direct from the input power connector.