Flow Rate
±10 L/s
Dead Space
93 mL
Nominal output
128 mV/[L/s]
Detachable flow head
Dimensions: 80.5 mm (diameter) × 101.5 mm
Mass: 80 g
Construction: Clear acrylic plastic
Dimensions: 127 mm × 23 mm × 35 mm
Mass: 85 g
Construction: Black ABS plastic
Cable length
1.5 meters
Stored calibration
Slope: 7.8 (L/s)/V
Intercept: –17.55 L/s
This sensor is equipped with circuitry that supports auto-ID. When used
with LabQuest 2, LabQuest, LabQuest Mini, LabPro, Go! Link, SensorDAQ, TI-
Nspire Lab Cradle, EasyLink, or CBL 2, the data-collection software identifies
the sensor and uses pre-defined parameters to configure an experiment
appropriate to the recognized sensor.
Care and Maintenance
Do not wrap the cable tightly around the sensor for storage. Repeatedly doing
so can irreparably damage the wires and is not covered under warranty.
Cleaning the Flow Head
The manufacturer recommends three methods, in the following order, with
which to sterilize the Flow Head.
1. Wash the detachable Flow Head in a dishwasher. It is dishwasher safe. This
method provides the longest life for the Flow Head and is the method most
recommended by the manufacturer.
2. Cold sterilize the Flow Head with a surface disinfectant such as Cidex
Technical Tincture of Green Soap
. These are available from medical supply
or janitorial supply companies.
3. Autoclave the Flow Head. This method provides the shortest life span for
the Flow Head.
We recommend that you sterilize the Flow Head using one of these methods
after each school day, at the very least, and that you always use the Spirometer
with a disposable mouthpiece
The nose clips should be wiped clean between uses and soaked in a mild
detergent after each experiment.
Forced Vital Capacity (FVC)
In this activity, the student exhales forcefully and very quickly into the
Spirometer, and then inhales. The graph of this event, shown here, allows the
student to determine his/her forced vital capacity. The graph is a plot of lung
volume (x-axis)
. flow rate (y-axis). The data may also be examined to
determine Forced Expiratory Volume after 1 second (FEV1).
View videos related to this product at
Calibrating the Sensor
You should not have to perform a new calibration when using the Spirometer.
We have set the sensor to match our stored calibration before shipping it. You
can simply use the appropriate calibration value that is stored in the data-
collection program.
For the most accurate measurements with this sensor, we recommend adjusting
the calibration using a 2 L syringe. This is a simple process that takes only a
few minutes.
For further calibration information, see