2 – User Manual
Graph Settings
LabQuest App displays the Graph screen when data
collection begins. From this screen, you can adjust
graph settings. You can choose what is plotted, how the
graph is scaled, and how the data are formatted.
Graph Options
– To control how the data are
graphed, choose Graph Options from the Graph
menu. Here you can choose the columns used for
the x- and y-axes and the axes limits. See
the Graph View
for more information.
to adjust to the data range after
data collection ends.
Autoscale from 0
does the
same, but includes the origin.
scaling will
respect values entered in the range limits. To enter
range limits, tap in each field and use the keyboard
to enter numeric values.
Point Symbols
option is selected by default,
and will surround some, but not all, of the points
with a mark (e.g., a circle or triangle). You can
easily identify a trace by the corresponding mark in
the graph legend. Select the checked box to disable
this feature.
Connect Points
option connects data points with straight-line segments. These lines
help the eye follow the data trend, but in some cases are not appropriate. Select the checked
box to disable this feature.
From this screen, you also select the data to be graphed. For the x-axis, choose the desired
column from the
X-Axis Column
dropdown menu. For the y-axis, select one or more
columns from the run(s) listed under the expanded
Graph 1 Y-Axis
LabQuest can display a single graph or two graphs sharing a common x-axis and range. Tap
the triangle next to
Graph 1 Y-Axis
Graph 2 Y-Axis
to show or hide the settings for that
axis. If no column is selected for Graph 2, only one graph will be drawn.
When you are done setting Graph Options, tap OK to return to the Graph screen.