KHLDV Series
Direct Vent Gas Fireplace
73D0024 3/13 Rev. 24
IF tHe InForMatIon In tHeSe InStructIonS IS not
FoLLoweD exactLy, a FIre or expLoSIon May
reSuLt cauSInG property DaMaGe, perSonaL
Injury or LoSS oF LIFe.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other
– wHat to Do IF you SMeLL GaS
• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any
phone in your building.
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's
phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire
– Installation and service must be performed
by a qualified installer, service agency or the
gas supplier.
warnInG: Improper installation, adjustment, alteration,
services or maintenance can cause injury or property
damage. refer to this manual. For assistance or additional
information consult a qualified installer, service agency
or the gas supplier.
this appliance may be installed in an aftermarket*,
permanently located, manufactured home (uSa only) or
mobile home, where not prohibited by local codes.
this appliance is only for use with the type of gas
indicated on the rating plate. this appliance is not
convertible for use with other gases, unless a certified
kit is used.
* aftermarket: completion of sale, not for purpose of resale, from the
KHLDV cover
InStaLLer: Leave this manual with the appliance.
conSuMer: retain this manual for future refer-
Due to HIGH teMperatureS, tHe appLIance
SHouLD Be LocateD out oF traFFIc anD
away FroM FurnIture anD DraperIeS.
cHILDren anD aDuLtS SHouLD Be aLerteD
to tHe HaZarDS oF HIGH SurFace
teMperature anD SHouLD Stay away to
aVoID BurnS or cLotHInG IGnItIon.
younG cHILDren SHouLD Be SuperVISeD
wHen tHey are In tHe SaMe rooM aS tHe
cLotHInG or otHer FLaMMaBLe MaterIaL
SHouLD not Be pLaceD on or near tHe
Keep tHe rooM area cLear anD Free FroM
coMBuStIBLe MaterIaLS, GaSoLIne, anD
otHer FLaMMaBLe VaporS anD LIquIDS.
Installation and operating Instructions