40-4 Preparation
D20x22 Series II Navigator HDD
Radio Communication to Stop Drilling Operation
When the crew at the location of the exposed drill string or tool requests the operator to stop operation:
Step 1:
The crew must communicate a stop command to the operator.
Step 2:
When stop command is received, the operator must immediately stop the machine. After machine has
stopped, the operator must return a message confirming that the message was received and
Radio Communication to Resume Drilling Operation
If startup is requested by the machine operator:
Step 1:
The operator must request authorization from the crew at the location of the exposed rod or tool to
resume rotation or thrust.
Step 2:
The crew at the location of the exposed rod or tool must respond as appropriate, but must not give
authorization to resume until everyone is away from the rod or cutting tool and everyone has been
informed that startup will occur.
Step 3:
If authorization to resume has been received by the machine operator, the operator must require
confirmation for startup from the crew at the exit location.
Step 4:
When confirmation is received, the operator may resume operation.