Verhagen Leiden bv
Hoge Rijndijk 267
2314 AG Leiden
Tel: +31 (0)71 581 30 30
Fax: +31 (0)71 541 61 89
ING baNk Nr: 678661367 | bIc/swIft: INGbNl2a | IbaN: Nl23 INGb 0678661367 | kvk: 27321531 | btw: Nl 8196.70.340.b.01
Op al onze offertes, op alle opdrachten aan ons en op alle met ons gesloten overeenkomsten zijn toepasselijk de metaaluNIevOOrwaardeN, gedeponeerd ter GrIffIe
van de rechtbank te rotterdam, zoals deze luiden volgens de laatstelijk aldaar neergelegde tekst. de leveringsvoorwaarden worden u op verzoek toegezonden.
reinigingsmachines & elektrovoertuigen
Residues of lubrication oil, oil-stained cloths, batteries and possible cleaning agents must be disposed
of separately as chemical waste.
Consequences for the environment
Life span
The expected life span of the V-Move XL+ depend on maintenance, operating hours and ambient
conditions (dust, contamination, humidity etc.).
Good maintenance will be beneficial to the life span.
Preferably, you should have the disposal and processing performed by a recognized dismantlement or
demolition contractor who has the necessary permits.
Appoint a competent responsible person to supervise its execution.
Sort disassembled materials according to material characteristics and contamination.
Separate all materials that full under the category of chemical waste, such as oil, lubricants, switching
material, batteries and certain electric components. Dispose them as chemical waste.
Offer residual materials to recognized waste processing companies who have the required permits.
When removing a failure, ALWAYS switch off the V-Move XL+ and
remove the ignition key.
If a defect is established at the V-Move XL+, do not use it until the repair has been completed.
The V-Move XL+ does not drive.
1 Emergency stop has been pressed
1 Pull out
2 Battery empty
2 Charge battery
3 Battery clamps make poor contact
3 Clean, attach again
4 Direction switch defective
4 Replace switch
5 Other causes.
5 Consult your dealer
The V-Move XL+ functions occasionally.
1 Loose wiring
1 Check wiring
2 Dirty or worn collector motor
2 Clean, or have it overhauled, or replace it
3 Relay does not come "in"
properly due to contamination or defect
3 Clean or replace
Speed cannot be controlled (properly), or it drives at high speed immediately.
1 Speed controller defective
1 Replace
2 Relay defective
2 Replace
In case of a failure not mentioned in the list above, please contact your dealer.
Note: In the warranty period, it is absolutely prohibited to perform repairs, changes and
modifications or anything like that to the V-Move XL+, the warranty will become invalid auto-