2416 Controller
This manual applies to the 2416, 2416CG and 2416P8 controllers.
Special customer requirements may result in changes to the available parameters and
the navigation diagram. It is not possible to list all the possibilities in this manual.
2416CG Controller
The Eurotherm model 2416CG is a digital instrument with PID control algorithms which
may be used as a simple controller or an 8-segment programmer. The 2416P8 is an
eight-program model in which the programs can be stored independently or can be
linked by a “call” parameter to form a single long program.
The 2416 Controller features:
Easy use as a simple temperature controller, where on setting the required tem-
perature the controller immediately attempts to reach and maintain it. Fig.1 indic-
ates the type of temperature response when used in this way.
By using one program segment, the control can be extended to include ramp-to-set-
point. Fig.2 shows the effect.
Alternatively, the 2416 Controller may be used as an 8-segment programmer, with
each segment being a "Ramp", a "Step", a "Dwell", or "End". The program can be
set to cycle if required. See fig. 3.
Optional “modules” are available, in particular:
RS232 and RS432/485 digital communications modules;
Analogue communication modules;
“PDSIO” modules for communication with other controllers of similar or higher spe-
cification, for example, to allow cascade control;
Alarm modules, which can be used to drive visible or audible alarms, or to provide
volt-free contacts for customer use.
3.0 2416 Controller