2132 Controller
The 2132 Controller is made by Eurotherm, and is fitted and configured by Carbolite
Gero for immediate use. It is a digital instrument with PID control algorithms.
The 2132 Controller features:
Easy use as a simple temperature controller, where on setting the required tem-
perature the controller immediately attempts to reach and maintain it.
A ramp-to-setpoint feature, which may be used to limit the heating (or cooling).
A timer function which allows for heating for a predetermined time, either from start
or from reaching temperature; or alternatively for delaying the start of heating.
An alarm output which may be used in conjunction with the timer, for example to
give an audible alarm at the end of the timing period.
2132 Controller Operation
Most Carbolite Gero products are fitted with an instrument switch which cuts off power
to the controller and other parts of the control circuit.
To operate the controller, power must be supplied to the product and the instrument
switch must be on. If a time switch is included in the product circuit, this must be in the
'ON' position.
When an over-temperature condition occurs, the controller cuts the power to a
contactor, which in turn cuts power to the heating elements. Power is not restored until
the controller is 'reset'.
Some components will operate after the over-temperature feature isolates the power
supply e.g. cooling fans will continue to operate, provided that there is a power supply
to the product. In some cases the product may not do so, if other options (such as a
door switch) are fitted.