Operation & maintenance manual, Drum filter HDF 16/20V - Value series
8.2 Wash water filter
A wash water filter should be used to remove particles from the backwash water.
If the pressure gauge indicates a pressure that is more than 0.5 bar below normal pressure, it is
time to clean the wash water filter.
1. Turn the main power switch to the OFF (0) position and lock it with a padlock.
2. Drain the wash water filter by removing the cover at the bottom of the filter.
3. Remove the lower part of the filter.
4. Remove and clean the filter insert.
5. Refit the filter in the reverse order.
6. Start operation in accordance with section 6.1.
Prior to service, read section 2.7 (Safety instructions).
A clogged wash water filter can cause a substantial loss of drum filter capacity!
Figure 8.4 Wash water filter (option)