User's Guide
Headphone Amplifi er with USB-DAC
Features of this Product _________________________________ 2
Contents of Package ___________________________________ 3
Compatible Models of iPod/iPhone and PC (OS)_________________3
How to Use this Product ________________________________ 3
1. Checking the Remaining Battery of this Product ______________ 3
2. Charging the Built-in Battery of this Product _______________ 4
3. Charging iPod/iPhone by this Product's Built-in Battery ______ 4
4. Connecting with iPod/iPhone __________________________ 5
5. Listening to Music in iPod/iPhone in "iAMP" Mode __________ 5
6. Synchronizing with iPod/iPhone and iTunes on PC __________ 6
7. Listening to Music on PC in "USB DAC" Mode ______________ 7
8. Playing DSD Audio Files with foobar2000 _________________ 8
9. Connecting to Other Audio Devices ____________________ 18
10. Setting Other Functions ____________________________ 19
11. Setting Gain ______________________________________ 20
Troubleshooting _____________________________________ 21
Specifi cations _______________________________________ 22
Input/Output Relations and Toggle Switch Pattern Diagram ___ 24
Cautions on Use _____________________________________ 25
Product Support _____________________________________ 28
Upsampling Function
DSD Playback