Service - 20
Lubrication Locations
Lubrication is required at the following locations using
a lithium complex NLGI #2 type grease. Refer to the
maintenance schedule for service intervals and
amount of grease.
Rear Roller Bearings
Carrier Wheel Pivot & Wheel Axle Bearing
Mower Spindles
Preparing the Mower for Storage
1. Clean the mower deck and frame.
2. Inspect for loose or missing hardware, damaged
components, or signs of wear. Repair or replace
any damaged or worn components.
3. Inspect belts, spindles, and blades. Repair or
replace any damaged or worn components.
4. Inspect safety decals. Replace any safety decals
that are faded, illegible, or missing.
5. Apply grease to all grease points.
Wipe off all excess grease or oil.
Removing the Mower from Storage
Inspect, clean, and prepare the mower for use.