Operation - 17
Leveling Work Area Prior to Finish Grading
When smoothing out rough ground, begin by work-
ing the soil to a depth of 2-3 inches (5-8 cm).
Depending on soil compaction, it may take several
passes while incrementally increasing the rake drum
depth to work the soil to the proper depth. It is best
if the rake drum is set low enough to carry a pile of
dirt ahead of it as you work. This can be any setting
of 1 inch (2.5 cm) or more in depth. This will help to
fill in low spots while reducing high spots and create
a more level surface. Always work the high spots
toward the low spots. Changing direction will also
help to create a smooth surface (i.e. if working North
and South, change direction by 30 or 45 degrees).
TIP: The rake drum can be reversed to pull loose soil
and debris away from structures and other obstacles.
TIP: During this initial leveling, the rake will create
ridges on one or both sides of the rake. Don’t worry
about the ridges during this stage. This initial level-
ing is done to break up the soil, remove high spots,
and fill in low spots. The ridges will be smoothed out
during finish grading.
Spreading Fill or Topsoil
The rake drum depth will need to be adjusted
depending on the amount of material you are mov-
ing and the desired depth of the material. Angle the
rake drum and lower the side wings as needed to
control movement of the material.
Debris Removal
Debris is any unwanted material that is mixed in the
soil or gravel you are working. Set the rake drum
depth so the carbide teeth are approximately 1/2”
(1.25 cm) into the soil. The rake drum should not
contact the soil. Angle the rake drum so the debris
is raked off to one side. Rake all the debris to the
outside edge of the work area and collect. The rake
drum can be reversed to pull loose soil and debris
away from structures and other obstacles. If there
are large amounts of debris in the work area, the side
wings can be lowered to help collect the debris while
moving it to the edge of the work area. Depending on
the soil condition and the amount of debris, several
passes over the same spot may be required.
Finish Grading (Lawn Preparation)
Prior to beginning lawn preparation, the soil should
be loosened to a depth of 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) as
described in the Leveling Work Area section. Set the
rake drum depth so the carbide teeth are approxi-
mately 1/2-3/4 inch (1.25-2 cm) into the soil. The rake
drum should not contact the soil. Begin by angling the
rake drum so the soil rolls in the same direction. This
will smooth the surface and help to rake debris such as
rocks, sticks, tree roots, grass clumps, etc. to the edge
of the work area. Depending on the soil condition, sev-
eral passes over the same spot may be required. The
result is a smooth surface that is ready to seed.
Gravel Driveway Restoration
The power rake can also be used to repair drive-
ways, easily removing potholes and loosening
compacted gravel, leaving you with a fresh gravel
surface without having to add new gravel. For best
results, the driveway should be worked when it is
damp. The gravel will work easier and create less
dust and it will level and pack better.
Begin by working the gravel to a depth of 1-2 inches
(2.5-5 cm). If potholes are present in the driveway,
the gravel must be worked to a depth of 1/2 to 1 inch
(1.25-2.5 cm) lower than the potholes to keep them
from returning. If the potholes are just filled shut,
they will return in a very short time. When working
the gravel on the initial passes, always rake towards
the middle of the driveway.
TIP: When working on driveways, lower the side
wing on the side closest to the grass to help prevent
gravel from overflowing into the grass.
The power rake is not intended to replace a blade,
bulldozer, or loader. The work site should be
graded close to its desired state prior to leveling,
debris removal, and finishing with power rake.
Always operate the power rake in the “FLOAT”
position. If equipped, set the power unit’s weight
transfer to maximum.
Always operate the power rake with the power unit
in low range. The deeper the rake drum is set, the
slower you will have to travel.