VELscope Vx Step-By-Step
Examination Guide
Note: This is an abbreviated clinical guide. Please see the
VELscope Vx Training DVD for more detailed information.
Review the patient’s relevant medical and
dental history.
Conduct a thorough extra-oral and intra-oral
examination both visually and manually, palpating
all the structures of the head and neck.
Repeat the intra-oral examination using the
VELscope Vx by viewing the oral cavity through
the VELscope Handpiece (Figure 1). Maintain a
distance of approximately 2 inches (5 cm) from
the oral cavity to optimize the visualization of the
natural tissue fluorescence.
Abnormal tissue typically appears as an irregular,
dark area that stands out against the otherwise
normal, green fluorescence pattern of surrounding
healthy tissue.
If a suspicious area is discovered, reevaluate under
white light and VELscope trying to identify what
might have caused the region to appear abnormal.
Take into consideration its appearance under
both VELscope and white light, its response to
palpation, and salient patient history information.
Photo-document any areas of concern both under
white light and through the VELscope Vx.
Record all relevant findings. Documentation forms
are available at www.velscope.com.
Inform the patient of all relevant findings and the
appropriate course of action.
Follow up or refer as appropriate.