Veloretti Bicycle Assembly Manual Download Page 5

Step 1

Start with the assembly of the 
kickstand so you can put your 
Veloretti endwise while you conti-
nue with the assembly of your bike. 
Use Allen key number 8 to tighten  
the kickstand.

Stap 2

Front fender

Install the frond fender onto the 
front fork of your bike and use the 
brackets to get the fender in line 
with the wheel that will be installed 
next. Assemble the fender with the 


 the fork, as shown on 

the picture on the right. 

Tools: Allen Key 5 and wrench 10

Stap 2,5
Front wheel

Put the front wheel at the end of 
the front fork. Make sure that the 
steel safetypin is in the right positi-
on (see photo) before your tighten 
the bolts. Align the wheel properly 
and tighten the bolts. 

Turn the front fork in the right po-
sition before assembling the front 
fender and the front wheel! Make 
sure that the end of the front fork 
points north. 



Stap 3

Install the pedals by sorting the 
pedals, right pedal on the right 
and left pedal on the left. Turn the 
pedal clockwise into the crank 
arm and use wrench no. 15 for fi nal 

Stap 4

Finally the seat post needs to be 
adjusted. A good starting point is 
to raise the saddle to about hip-
height and try if it is comforta-
ble for you. When you found the 
perfect position, tighten it securely 
with allen key no. 6. 

Not only the height but also the position of the saddle can be adjus-
ted. Doing so might have an effect on the comfort of your bike! 

You can adjust the position of the saddle by dissassembling the saddle 
from the frame. Loosen the bolt underneath the saddle using Allen 
Key 6 and change the position of your saddle both horizontally (1) and 
vertical (2). Make sure you extra tighten the bolts under the saddle as 
they could get loose after intensive use. 
