7.4.4 GPS Connection Scenarios
Depending on the user’s application, the source of the NMEA message (and PPS) can be a GPS/INS receiver or a sub-
stitute device such as a laptop or microcomputer.
There are three common connection scenarios: connecting to a sensor from a Velodyne-supplied Garmin 18x LVC GPS
receiver, connecting to it from a computer's serial port, and connecting directly from a microcomputer’s UART. Connecting a Garmin 18x LVC GPS Receiver
As an option, Velodyne LiDAR offers a Garmin 18x LVC GPS Receiver (P/N 80-GPS18LVC) pre-configured (per
) for optimized operation with your sensor. GPRMC is configured by default but GPGGA is also supported.
Figure 7-6 Garmin 18x LVC Configuration
Chapter 7 • Sensor Inputs