High Altitude Start-up Instructions for Natural Gas
1. Install Boiler in accordance with the Installation, Operating and Service Instructions manual supplied with the Boiler. Follow
all instructions in Section XI (Start-up and Checkout) up through Step 14. Skip Step 10.
2. Verify the gas inlet pressure is between the ranges shown in Table 4 with all gas appliances (including the Boiler) both on
and off.
3. Perform a combustion test. Boilers are equipped with a screw cap in the vent adapter. Be sure to replace this cap when
combustion testing is complete. Check CO
(or O
) and CO at both high and low fire. The Boiler may be temporarily locked
into high or low fire as follows:
a. From the home screen, press and hold both the LH and RH buttons for 3s. The screen will change to Diagnostic Mode
and show the flame signal (Figure 12.7 in the Installation, Operating and Service Instructions manual).
b. Press the RH (“Next”) button 5 times to advance to the high fire (“HF”) screen.
c. To set the Boiler in low fire from the high fire screen, press the LH button 6 more times.
d. To return to automatic firing control from either the HF or LF screens, press the LH (“Done”) button. The Boiler will
return to automatic modulation from either screen after 15 minutes if no buttons are pressed.
e. At both high and low fire, CO readings should be less than 200PPM air-free. Acceptable CO
and O
ranges are shown
in Table 3.
Adjust the throttle at high fire if flue gases are not in range:
• To reduce the CO
(increase the O
), turn throttle clockwise.
• To increase the CO
(reduce the O
), turn throttle counter-clockwise.
Make adjustments in increments of 1/8 to 1/4 turn and allow Boiler at least a minute to respond to each adjustment before
making another. The CO level will be at its lowest somewhere in the CO
range shown in Table 3. Consult factory if it is
not possible to reduce CO level below 200PPM air free within the range of CO
shown for the fuel and altitude at which
the Boiler is being used. Final readings should be taken with all doors and covers in place.
4. Follow all instructions in Section XI (Start-up and Checkout) from Steps 17 to 20.
5. Apply the “High Altitude Installation Label for Canadian Installations” adjacent to the Rating Plate Label, if applicable.
This label is provided in the Instructions Packet supplied with the Boiler.
High Altitude Start-up Instructions for LP
1. Install Boiler in accordance with the Installation, Operating and Service Instructions manual supplied with the Boiler. Follow
all instructions in Section XI (Start-up and Checkout) up through Step 9.
2. Set the throttle to its preliminary setting for LP. To do this:
a. Turn the throttle (Figure 1) clockwise until it stops (several full turns).
b. Turn the throttle counter-clockwise the exact number of turns shown in Table 2.
3. Follow all instructions in Section XI (Start-up and Checkout) from Steps 11 through 14.
If the Boiler does not light on the first try for ignition, allow the Boiler to make at least four more attempts to light.
If the Boiler still does not light, turn the throttle counterclockwise in 1/8 increments, allowing the Boiler to make at least
four tries for ignition at each setting, until the Boiler lights.
4. Verify the gas inlet pressure is between the ranges shown in Table 4 with all gas appliances (including the converted Boiler)
both on and off.
5. Perform a combustion test. Boilers are equipped with a screw cap in the vent adapter. Be sure to replace this cap when
combustion testing is complete. Check CO
(or O
) and CO at both high and low fire. The Boiler may be temporarily locked
into high or low fire as follows:
a. From the home screen, press and hold both the LH and RH buttons for 3 seconds. The screen will change to Diagnostic
Mode and show the flame signal (Figure 12.7 in the Installation, Operating and Service Instructions manual).
b. Press the RH (“Next”) button 5 times to advance to the high fire (“HF”) screen.
c. To set the Boiler in low fire from the high fire screen, press the LH button 6 more times.
d. To return to automatic firing control from either the HF or LF screens, press the LH (“Done”) button. The Boiler will
return to automatic modulation from either screen after 15 minutes if no buttons are pressed.