An extra ‘COM’-port will appear in the Device Manager. Right click and select ‘Properties’. Make sure it is the
COM-port that connects to the K8074. Remember the port number.
USING THE TEST SOFTWARE with K8056/VM118 relay card
(K8056 must be equipped with optional RF receiver)
Locate and launch
. Make sure that the file ‘K8074.dll’ is located in the same directory.
Select correct COM-port numer and click ‘CONNECT’
Select K8056/VM118 card address (default: 1)
If you do not know the card address, click ‘show addr.’ Check K8056/VM118 manual for ‘how-to’-instructions.
Click ‘Reset to addr 1.’ if you do not know the card address. All cards within the transmitter range wil be set to address 1.
Afterwards, you can change the address of each card individually (select the new address and press ‘change addr.’)
You can choose between momentary, toggle or ON/OFF operation for each relay, by pressing the appropriate button.
‘Set all’ turns on all outputs, while ‘Clear all’ turns them all off.
Press ‘Emergency stop’ to turn off all relays on all cards simultaniously.
The source code of the test program is supplied, in order to allow you to write your own software to control the card. A list of
available commands can be found in the partlist of the K8056 relay card..