Note :
You can download software from our website www.velleman.be which
makes it very easy to control your relay card(s).
A. Operating modes:
The K8056 features 4 operating modes :
1. Set all outputs active / non-active
2. Eight toggle buttons
3. Eight momentary buttons
4. One button is reserved as 'emergency' function
Momentary :
Hold the key to activate the output and release the key to
deactivate it.
Toggle :
Operates according to the principal of a classic switch, i.e. press a key
once to activate and press again to deactivate.
Emergency function : Deactivate all the outputs on the same time.
B. Address selection:
1. Select the address of the relay card you want to control.
2. Confirm the selection by clicking the "show addr." button.
Make sure that you have selected the correct serial port!
C. Changing address :
Choose the address you want to allocate to the relay card and confirm it by
clicking the "Chang addr." button.
Diagnostic / Test software